Since the sole aim of the GAA is to solve the problems in Africa, there is a need for an intensive method of solving the problems. As a result of this idea, we have segregated the aforementioned problems into different classes. Each class shall have a leader and a council of elders Each council shall lead a class and inspire members of that class. Members of GAA are entitled to participate in the activities of more than one class. Members can also volunteer to be an executive member also known as the council.

These classes are:

  • Cultural imitation in Africa

  • Bad leadership and followership

  • Lack of patriotism and self-confidence


  • Suspicion and Ethnic wars

  • ICT illiteracy

  • This are the six main classes at present. GAA plans to solve most of theses problems by morale boosting. With this method, we shall promote or introduce Great African Achievers concerning a particular class. We believe in orientating Africans towards greatness. Apart from this method, Members of GAA shall contribute immensely to the development of strategies and Africa.